Introducing: Bruce Eather


Name: For all you beauties, you may know me as Bruce Eather.

Nicknames: The Blue Star (Also an idiot in a lot of languages).

Personality type: ENFP-T (An aventurer through and through).

What he’s up to: I look forward for a musical career. I ought to be a multi-instrumentalist (As of now, playing guitar, piano, drums and learning bass). Already wrote a bunch of songs and always trying to work and shape my art.

What he’s excited for: Life.

Who are his idols: Prince, David Bowie and Michael Jackson. My musical trinity. Those guys have defined me as a person and shaped the way of my art.

What he’s listening to: Everything, really. I always strive to learn as much of music as I possibly can. I don’t isolate myself in one genre, one day it can be pop, other hard rock, another electronic and the next one classical.

His passions (If i’m writing this, why am I refering to myself as he? Dunno ):

Art, of any kind. I’m not really an academic person but i’ve always have an affinity to art. Be it music, film-making, drawing ,painting, photography, i’m in love with art.

So that’s the kang folks. I’ll see you in the stars.


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